Campaign integration
Create New Campaign > Campaign Message Settings
Last updated
Create New Campaign > Campaign Message Settings
Last updated
Create a new campaign or Canvas in Braze dashboard that sends messages with API-Triggered Delivery in Braze dashboard.
Select 'API-Triggered Delivery' under Schedule Delivery.
Select 'API-Triggered' under Entry Schedule.
Complete all other steps, launch the campaign or build Canvas and copy the campaign/Canvas ID.
Move to loplat X, and create a new campaign.
Select 'Trigger[API-Triggered Delivery]' at Campaign Message Settings > Select message notification type > braze Integration.
Choose either 'Campaign' or 'Canvas'.
Type/Paste the Braze Campaign/Canvas ID and complete the campaign creation.
Create a new campaign in loplat X.
Complete all steps and select 'Add Custom Event' under Campaign Message Settings > braze Integration.
Type an event name, check the information sent to Braze's server, and complete the campaign creation.
Information sent to Braze including the Event name (It may differ depending on the location settings.
Geofence Name
Region condition: State/Province
Region condition: City
Region condition: Street
Brand name
Store name
Use the custom events for a campaign/Canvas in Braze dashboard.
Select 'Action-Based Delivery' under Schedule Delivery.
Go to Action-Based Scheduling Options > New Trigger Action and select 'Perform Custom Event' to add a campaign trigger.
Select the event name you created in the loplat X campaign setting.
Complete all other steps and launch the campaign.
Select 'Action-Based' under Entry Schedule.
Go to Action-Based Options > New Trigger Action and select 'Perform Custom Event' to add a trigger.
Select the event name you created in the loplat X campaign setting.
Complete all other steps and launch the Canvas.