Campaign integration

Create New Campaign > Campaign Message Settings

1. Braze -> loplat X (API-Triggered delivery)

  1. Create a new campaign or Canvas in Braze dashboard that sends messages with API-Triggered Delivery in Braze dashboard.

    • Campaign

      • Select 'API-Triggered Delivery' under Schedule Delivery.

    • Canvas

      • Select 'API-Triggered' under Entry Schedule.

    • Complete all other steps, launch the campaign or build Canvas and copy the campaign/Canvas ID.

  2. Move to loplat X, and create a new campaign.

    1. Select 'Trigger[API-Triggered Delivery]' at Campaign Message Settings > Select message notification type > braze Integration.

    2. Choose either 'Campaign' or 'Canvas'.

    3. Type/Paste the Braze Campaign/Canvas ID and complete the campaign creation.

2. loplat X -> Braze dashboard (Custom event)

  1. Create a new campaign in loplat X.

    • Complete all steps and select 'Add Custom Event' under Campaign Message Settings > braze Integration.

    • Type an event name, check the information sent to Braze's server, and complete the campaign creation.

      • Information sent to Braze including the Event name (It may differ depending on the location settings.

        • Geofence Name

        • Region condition: State/Province

        • Region condition: City

        • Region condition: Street

        • Brand name

        • Store name

  2. Use the custom events for a campaign/Canvas in Braze dashboard.

    • Campaign

      1. Select 'Action-Based Delivery' under Schedule Delivery.

      2. Go to Action-Based Scheduling Options > New Trigger Action and select 'Perform Custom Event' to add a campaign trigger.

      3. Select the event name you created in the loplat X campaign setting.

      4. Complete all other steps and launch the campaign.

    • Canvas

      1. Select 'Action-Based' under Entry Schedule.

      2. Go to Action-Based Options > New Trigger Action and select 'Perform Custom Event' to add a trigger.

      3. Select the event name you created in the loplat X campaign setting.

      4. Complete all other steps and launch the Canvas.

Last updated