SDK Status

Lite, Basic, Premium membership

SDK Usage Monitoring is a dashboard for the usage of SDKs installed in your app. You can check the summary of the number of active users and recognition places according to the set period.

  • Total number of SDK active users: Number of unique SDK users counted through place recognition requests as of the specified date

  • A number of Unique Recognized Places and Number of SDK Active Users: As of the designated date, the number of unique places that successfully requested place recognition and the number of unique SDK users.

  • Place Recognition 'Number of Requests' and 'Number of Successful Responses': Based on the designated date, the number of requests aggregated through place recognition requests and the number of successful responses to place recognition.

  • 'Store Awareness Ratio' to Place Recognition 'Number of Requests': Based on the designated date, the ratio of responses that succeeded in recognizing a place to the number of requests counted through place recognition requests

  • SDK active users per month: Number of unique SDK users per month, aggregated through Place Awareness requests

  • Place Aware Success Responses by Month: Number of responses per month that were successfully recognized through place recognition requests.

Last updated