Campaign List
Lite, Basic, Premium membership
Last updated
Lite, Basic, Premium membership
Last updated
Create: Click to create a new campaign.
Delete: Delete the selected campaign from the list.
Download All: Download the entire list of campaigns in CSV format.
Campaigns per Page: The number of campaigns shown on a page. Default options are 15, 30, 50, 100, and 200.
Campaign Filter: Filter the list by clicking the campaign status (In Progress, Inactive, Done). You can also check the number of campaigns created/ended this month.
Active Geofence: Currently active geofences for the running campaign(s). You can activate up to 2,000 geofences in total. * If a geofence is already set in an active campaign and used in a new campaign, the number of active geofences is not cumulatively counted. If the geofence set in the previous campaign (still active) is also set in the newly created campaign, it will not be calculated cumulatively. ex) Campaign A → Geofence group A(circle 10, polygon 12) = 22 active geofences Campaign B → Geofence group A (circle 10, polygon 12) = 22 active geofences Campaign C → Geofence B + Geofence group A = 23 active geofences You must change the campaign status to 'inactive' to deactivate an active geofence. You can always check the active geofence at the top right of the campaign list.
Campaign List
Page Number
Blacklist management: This function is used to manage customers who should be excluded from the campaign when it is running. If you register an ADID or Echocode, you will be excluded from the campaign.
Checkbox: Select/deselect campaign(s).
ID: Unique Campaign number.
Customer ID: ID specified by the customer.
Campaign Name
Campaign Status: Progress, Inactive, Done (Supported in both mobile and web)
In Progress: The campaign is live.
Inactive: This is the default status after creating a campaign and can be used to pause a live campaign.
Done: Not provided while the campaign is in progress or inactive, and will automatically change to 'Done' when the campaign ends.
Reach: Number of push messages reached to the target
Response: Number of responses to push messages and response rate
Start Date: Campaign start date
End Date: Campaign end date
Creator: Campaign creator
Creation Date: Campaign creation date
Visit Performance: Go to the campaign visit performance page.
Message Performance: Campaign push message performance
Edit: Edit campaign conditions.
Copy: Copy campaign conditions.
History: Download the history of campaign push message performance.
Campaign Summary: Go to the campaign summary page.
Clicking the campaign name in the list will take you to the campaign summary page.
You can copy, edit, delete, or list campaigns.
You can change the status of campaigns (but you cannot change the status of the campaign that has ended).
Campaign Title
Number of User Segments: The number of segments set in the campaign.
Campaign Visit Performance: Go to 'Attribution'.
Select message reach/response.
Aggregated in 10-minute increments.
The number of messages reached (number of campaigns matched)
Line graph of the number of messages reached by the date
Hover the mouse to see the date and the number of messages reached.
Download in .csv or .jpg format.
The number of users reached (number of unique users matched with the campaign)
Bar graph of the number of users reached by the date
Hover the mouse to see the date and the number of users.
Download in .csv or .jpg format.
The number of responses to the message
Line graph of the number of responses by the date
Hover the mouse to see the date and the number of messages reached.
Download in .csv or .jpg format.
The number of users who responded to the message (number of unique users matched with the campaign)
Bar graph of the number of responded users by the date
Hover the mouse to see the date and the number of users.
Download in .csv or .jpg format.
Check Message Performance
Message performance can be checked for both general messages and A/B test messages.
You can check the total number of reaches and the number of reaches daily during the campaign period.
During the campaign period, you can check the total number of reached users and the number of reached users daily, not including the number of overlapping users.
For messages reached during the campaign period, you can check the total number of responses and the number of responses daily.
For messages reached during the campaign period, you can check the total number of users who responded to the message and the number of users who responded to messages by day. It does not count duplicate users.
You can download JPG and CSV files of the graphs.