Set campaign location
Create Campaign>Set Campaign Position
Last updated
Create Campaign>Set Campaign Position
Last updated
Default: Set the campaign location at the selected area and brand/store/category.
Residential: Execute the campaign at the residential area within the selected area.
Select Geofence / Geofence Group
A list of geofences set in 'Locations > Geofence' or 'Locations > Geofence Group' is shown.
1. Search for both single and group geofences.
2. Select 'Single Geofence' or 'Group Geofence' to see your created geofences.
3. Select or deselect all geofences.
4. Select the check box(es) to select the geofence(s).
5. Check the geofences' names and the type (polygon or circle).
6. Check the geofence location in the map view.
1. Number of polygons
2. Number of circles
3. Map view
The warning icon is shown when a geofence is 'failed' to be uploaded. Even if there are geofences that 'failed' to be uploaded, they are still available to choose from.
You can check the information on the geofence group you created.
Name of the geofence
Description of the geofence
Number of polygons
Number of circles
Type the address of the geofence, and the result will show on the map
Selected geofence's value (single geofence, group geofence)
Using OR condition, you can add geofence and region/commercial district as location settings for the campaign.
1. Administrative region setting
2. Region / commercial district area you selected in no.3.
3. Choose the region / commercial district area you wish to target. You can also select a region from the map; the name will show.
1. Added AND condition (brand/category/store) to the OR condition.
2. You can directly search for and select brand(s)/store(s). When you click the 'Brand' or 'Category' button, a pop-up will appear, and you can select a brand or category. You can also select entire stores for the brand or category you want.
3. You can check the selected brand/category/store and delete it.
The residential campaign is matched with the campaign when the target of the campaign visits the residential area of the set administrative district. However, geofence, commercial area, and brand/store/category settings are not available.
Add location setting is a function that allows you to add the entire setting 1 condition. When the following condition is added, the campaign is matched with the or condition, and a number is assigned to the condition after setting. You can add up to 5.